I am the parent or legal guardian of the above named Participant. I am requesting that my child participate in the following event or activity (hereinafter referred to as “Activity”): Georgia Festival of Trees.
In consideration of permission being granted for my child to participate in this Activity and for other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, I am entering into this Release and Wavier Agreement, which extends to the following persons and entities, as well as their officers, directors, board members, agents, employees, volunteers, contractors, representatives, successors, or assigns, individually and in any capacity or relationship with or for any other:
- Unto the Least of These, Inc. DBA Georgia Festival of Trees.
My child’s enrollment or participation may subject my child to dangers or risks of personal injury. These risks and dangers have been considered and, relying on my own judgment, I have voluntarily chosen to allow my child to participate and assume all such dangers and risks.
I certify that my child is in suitable health and has the capacity necessary for enrollment or participation in the Activity.
I knowingly, voluntarily, and for adequate consideration release and waive, and further agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and reimburse each and all of those persons and entities referenced above, from and against any claim which I, my child, any other parent of my child, any relative or any next of kin of my child, or any other person, firm or corporation now or hereafter may have or claim to have (whether known or unknown, seen or unforeseen, directly or indirectly, or within or without the control of those persons and entities), for or on account of any losses, damages, personal injuries, pain and suffering, death, property damage, or contract claims resulting from, or arising out of, during, or in connection with my child’s participation in such Activity.
If any emergency medical procedures or treatment are required during the Activity, I consent to the Activity supervisor undertaking, arranging for or consenting to the procedures or treatment in his, her, or their discretion. Furthermore, I will be responsible for any and all expenses or fees related to my child’s medical care. I acknowledge that neither Unto the Least of These, Inc. DBA Georgia Festival of Trees nor those affiliated with the entity shall be liable for any such fees or expenses under any circumstances.
In regard to any photographs, video tapes, motion pictures, recordings, or any other reproduction of my image or my child’s image (hereinafter collectively known as “Images”) which Unto the Least of These, Inc. DBA Georgia Festival of Trees has taken of me or of my child or in which I may be included with others during the course of my participation in this program, I hereby grant to the Unto the Least of These, Inc. DBA Georgia Festival of Trees permission to use such Images in any for any legitimate purpose whatsoever and to use my name or my child’s name in connection therewith if Unto the Least of These, Inc. DBA Georgia Festival of Trees so chooses.
This Parental Release and Waiver Agreement shall be construed to be as comprehensive as is allowed by law. Each provision herein is severable; in the event that any provision or portion of such provision be held to be invalid, the remainder of this Parental Release and Waiver Agreement shall be enforceable.
Nothing in this Parental Release and Waiver Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any legal defense that is available to any released party herein.
The validity, interpretation, and effect of the Parental Release and Waiver Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Georgia.