Interested in showing off your talents by donating a small tree to the 2024 Festival?  You’re in the right place.

Become an integral part of the festival magic by sponsoring and decorating a Christmas tree for our enchanted forest! This is the perfect opportunity for your business, church, social group or family to participate in this exciting event.

Your tree will be seen by thousands of festival guests and auctioned to the highest bidder to raise funds for our charity partners, Street Grace and Atlanta Redemption Ink.

Particle element

Register a Small Tree for the Festival

Help make Holiday Magic happen in 2024! Donor registration for the 2024 Georgia Festival of Trees Auction is now open! Fill out the form below and a friendly volunteer from our Auction Team will be in touch with you soon.

Your email will be used to track your donation through our donation and auction system. Please use an email address that you check frequently.

Small Tree Donor Handbook

Please use controls below handbook to navigate each page, view full screen, download, share and more.


Decorating & Judging Guidelines

Please review the small tree decorating & judging guidelines below.

  • Use NEW, artificial trees only.
  • Historically, traditional Christmas or winter-themed designs sell the best. The best selling trees are always those that are well lit, decorated with a generous amount of ornaments and are balanced and symmetrical.
  • Small trees are 3.5’ – 5’. Trees under 3’ will be moved to the Centerpiece auction area.
  • Small trees must have a RETAIL value of $150 or more. (What you would pay at full retail, not what you paid to create your tree.)
  • A tree skirt MUST be included with your tree – an attractive skirt will help the tree sell at a higher price. Attach replacement bulbs and fuses to the tree skirt with a safety pin.
  • If glass ornaments are used, they must be disclosed and identified on Decorating Day.
  • Your tree will be visible from all angles, including the back. Please make sure all areas of your tree are fully decorated.
  • All items under and around the tree will be sold with the tree.
  • All ornaments with removable tops MUST have the tops securely glued in place.
  • All lights, garland, picks, and ornaments MUST be securely wired to the tree using craft wire, floral wire, pipe cleaners, etc.
  • If your tree needs multiple outlets, please provide an extension cord and/or power strip that will be sold with the tree.
  • If you would like to dedicate your tree to an individual, please contact us at [email protected].
  • NO weapons or inappropriate material are allowed on or around the tree.
  • If your tree includes a gift certificate, it must be signed by the company owner or authorized person. Please turn in the gift certificate form and gift certificates to Auction Staff before you check out. PLEASE DO NOT ATTACH GIFT CERTIFICATES OR GIFT CARDS TO YOUR TREE.
  • NO water-filled ornaments are allowed.
  • Balloons, live plants, water-filled ornaments, hay or other highly flammable items are not allowed.
  • NO advertising is allowed on the tree. Items with logos can be placed around/under the tree and in a vignette. We will ensure that your business or organization is highlighted on your tree sign, on the auction site, and in the event program.
  • All trees and accessories become the property of the Georgia Festival of Trees upon completion and will be priced and sold as such.

Judging Classes

Large Trees

Small Trees


Christmas Gingerbread Scene

Judging Categories

Best in Show

Most Creative

People’s Choice

Judging Procedures

  • Georgia Festival of Trees invites influential community members to volunteer their time and work together to name the 2024 festival winners in categories Best in Show and Most Creative. While judging, judges will only be privy to the tree and wreath name.
  • Each winner will have a ribbon displayed on their custom tree/wreath sign during the festival.
  • Winners will receive their ribbon via USPS after the Festival ends on December 1, 2024.
  • The Best in Show and Most Creative winners will be announced Friday, November 22nd at the First Night Celebration Gala, on social media, and the Georgia Festival of Trees website.
  • A Festival of Trees admission ticket includes one vote per entry in the People’s Choice category.
  • The People’s Choice winners in each judging class will be announced on December 2, 2024, on social media and the Georgia Festival of Trees website.
  • Winners will receive their ribbon via USPS after the festival ends – and bragging rights for next year!